We are returning all of our resources to communities in Hawai‘i and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Follow our spend down funding since 2014 across the communities we call home.
Total Grantmaking
Includes total grants awarded since 2014, excluding memberships and sponsorships
National Focus
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Total California
Total funds awarded to organizations operating in California statewide, Bay Area-wide, and in each county.
Total Hawaiʻi
Total funds awarded to organizations operating in Hawaiʻi statewide, inter-island, and on each island.
Total California
Total funds awarded to organizations operating in California statewide, Bay Area-wide, and in each county.
CA Statewide Focus
Includes grants to organizations or initiatives operating across the state.
Bay Area
Includes grants to organizations or initiatives that operate across multiple counties within the Bay Area.
Total Hawaiʻi
Total funds awarded to organizations operating in Hawaiʻi statewide, inter-island, and on each island.
Hawaiʻi Statewide Focus
Includes grants to organizations or initiatives operating across the state.
Inter Island
Includes grants for organizations or initiatives that operate across multiple Hawaiian Islands, yet are not statewide
Alameda County
San Francisco County
Contra Costa County
Select a state to learn more about Stupski's funding.
Click into the blue islands to follow Stupski's funding.
Click into the blue counties to follow Stupski's funding.
Grants Funded
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Grants Funded
In the communities we call home, there is a tension between our history and our future and between the inherent possibilities of our people and the realities too many of them face.