Meet Our Grantee Partners

Visit Our Grant Directory

April 6, 2021


We are excited to introduce you to our grantee partners—the organizations creating lasting change in health care, education, and food systems in the communities we call home, San Francisco and Alameda Counties, and the state of Hawaiʻi. Visit our grant directory to meet our grantee partners, learn about their work, and understand the projects and strategies that the Stupski Foundation funds to create lasting change.  


The grant directory makes searching for grants by geography, issue area, and strategy easy. Watch the preview below to get an idea of how you can customize your search.  



Pro Tips:


  • To learn more about an organization’s work, click on the hyperlink in its name to visit its website. 


  • Click on the color-coded tags to pull up search results for all of our grants related to particular issue areas and strategies. Pink tags will retrieve our early brain development partners, green tags will retrieve our food security partners, orange tags will retrieve our postsecondary success partners, blue tags will retrieve our serious illness care partners, and yellow tags will retrieve our special initiative partners. 


  • To share custom lists of grants with your contacts, simply filter the search to retrieve the results you seek and copy and paste the URL in the address bar. The URL will take you directly to the filtered list. 


Historic Grantee Partners


We are grateful to have partnered with many change-making organizations since the beginning of our spend down in 2016. Check out this list of our historic grantee partners, and visit their websites to learn more about their work. We also invite you to learn more about the phases of our spend down


Our grantee partners motivate and inspire us to imagine a future where every member of our community enjoys a life marked by dignity, connectedness, and caring. We hope you will enjoy learning more about their work, and we invite you to continue to share your own change-making efforts with us throughout our spend down.