The People’s Money with Dr. Carmen Rojas

April 17, 2024

Episode 5 of “Break Fake Rules” asks: Whose money is it anyway?

Welcome back to “Break Fake Rules!” We continue to be inspired by the rule breakers who help us question long-held practices and beliefs in philanthropy that stand in the way of our potential to serve communities. Our latest episode is one you won’t want to miss, featuring Dr. Carmen Rojas, president and CEO of the Marguerite Casey Foundation. Carmen and our CEO, Glen Galaich, talk about how her foundation is leveraging philanthropy in a dramatically different way to support a fully realized democracy that prioritizes the needs of excluded and underrepresented communities. Together, they dig into who philanthropic money actually belongs to. Spoiler alert: It isn’t the donors, as we’ve been led to believe. As Carmen says, 

“We only see one side of the story, which is the giving of money but not the getting of money.”

Episode 5: “The People’s Money” with Dr. Carmen Rojas

Break the Rules! Explore the Break Fake Rules podcast.

In Carmen’s discussion with Glen, she calls on us to expand our expectations of government. How can we use philanthropy to create a more inclusive democracy accountable to communities? As we head into a high-stakes national election, her call to action is one we can’t ignore. Learn more about how Carmen and her team at the Marguerite Casey Foundation are working with organizers, scholars, and leaders to shift the balance of power to communities so they can demand more of our government. 

Listen to the full conversation wherever you get your podcasts.

We’re naming government as a key protagonist in shaping the way we live and not as our opposition, not wanting it to be smaller, not talking our way out of it, but instead making government the target of our dreams and aspirations.

Dr. Carmen Rojas

Up Next

It’s time to break the rules of our typical show format. Next month, we have a special edition of “Break Fake Rules” in the works—our first live show in front of an audience! Look for details on Stupski’s Instagram and LinkedIn

Stay tuned for new episodes of “Break Fake Rules,” which will be released monthly through October on your favorite podcast platform and Stupski Foundation’s YouTube channel.

We want to hear from you. Which fake rules do you want to see philanthropy break next? Share your thoughts with us on YouTube, and join the conversation with Glen on LinkedIn